
Becky Williams
The Power of a Pollinator Strip

The Power of a Pollinator Strip

With pollinators dwindling, there are many things you can do to help. Sign up for a Bee Experience to learn about the honey bee first hand.  Its a safe and amazing way to learn about these amazing creatures.  The honey bee is directly responsible for 80% of the pollination of the top 12 food crops in our current food system.  Support.  Support a local beekeeper with your purchases.  Global honey prices have fallen below a dollar per pound, so our markets are being flooded with honey from international sources effectively putting honey producers out of business.  Support politicians that back...

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Becky Williams
Celebrating Earth Day on our Farm

Celebrating Earth Day on our Farm

At Maple Ridge Farm, we know Mother Nature is more than just a day on the calendar. She's our co-worker, boss, time clock, friend... sometimes even our enemy! But through it all, she's without a doubt a constant source of connection and inspiration. Nature's rhythm and each season guide our work, leaving us in constant awe of the beauty that surrounds us. That's why we're inviting you to celebrate Earth Week with a focus on reconnecting with the natural world around us.  Pick a Daily Dose of Nature: Sunrise Serenade: Head outside 30 minutes before dawn (around 6:15 am these...

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Becky Williams
5 Ways To Get Your Zone 5b Garden Ready For The Growing Season

5 Ways To Get Your Zone 5b Garden Ready For The Growing Season

As mid-April approaches, it's time to get hands dirty or dust off your gardening gloves whichever you prefer and dive into the wonders of the season! Take a moment to reconnect with nature, and savour the simple joys of your future garden—whether it's the serenity of a morning coffee amidst birdsong or a tranquil sunset stroll in your backyard. It’s an exciting time! This is the perfect time to shed the layers of winter and embrace the transition to the season ahead. It’s hard wired within us. Like sunflowers turning their faces towards the sun, we too feel an irresistible...

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Becky Williams
Windowsill Gardening

Windowsill Gardening

Here's something you can do this week that will scratch that gardening itch for you... start gardening in your windowsill....It's a simple and rewarding way to start gardening. Not only is it an easy way to add some green to your home, but watching your plants grow can have a profound impact on your mental health and well-being. I know this first hand because last week I was at Farm Boy and they had a whole display of so many organic planted herbs like basil, mint, oregano...I mean I couldn’t resist. I bought one, ok maybe two. ;-) Rosemary and Mint. They’ve been my guiding lights all...

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