Let's plant some tulips together. Tulips are easy to grow and bring so much spring joy.
Plant tulips now for the ultimate reward in the spring. Not only will you reap the rewards of simply stunning blooms, but it's also good for your soul to get your hands dirty and be out in nature.
Come spring, watch them poke up through the soil, stretch, and bloom. Then it’s time to pat yourself on the back and admire what you grew. Take some pics, share them, or just stare at them…
But you need to plant them soon to enjoy them come spring....
How to Grow Tulips
Tulips are the easiest spring bulbs to grow. They come in different varieties and colours and have different bloom times too.
- Plant bulbs in the fall, when the ground is cool or cold but not yet frozen.
- Choose a location with well-draining soil and full sun.
- If you are planting in a flower bed, consider planting the bulbs in clusters, say groups of 5 or 7. They will look more natural when they bloom in the spring.
- Dig out the planting area about 6 inches deep.
- Sprinkle a thin layer of compost or organic matter.
- Place bulbs pointy side up on top of the organic matter and give a little twist to ensure the bulb has made contact with the soil.
- Cover the bulbs with soil and additional compost (optional).
- If planting for cut flower production, plant bulbs pointy side up close together, but not touching, like eggs in a carton.
- Give them a good watering at planting, but after that, Mother Nature will look after watering them with rain, snow, and snowmelt in the spring.
- Wait and watch for the first green sprig to poke through the soil in early spring. Then it's just a few weeks until they bloom.
PS - Having Trouble with Squirrels eating your tulip bulbs?
If the bulbs are dug up in the fall, it’s most likely a squirrel. Here’s a tip: hold back on planting your tulips until the ground is about to freeze. This way, the squirrels won't be able to access the tulips under the frozen ground.
You can also cut to size and bury chicken wire or hardware cloth an inch or so below the surface of the soil, over the top of where you planted your bulbs. Alternatively, stand the chicken wire up to make a fence around the planted area.
If your tulips are eaten in the spring, it’s most likely a rabbit or deer. Deer like tulip foliage but not daffodils, snowdrops, hyacinths, and allium, so try interspersing your tulips with the bulbs deer stay away from.
Happy Tulip Planting!
The spring reward of beautiful blooms is worth the effort now. I promise.