
Becky Williams
Cookies for Breakfast?

Cookies for Breakfast?

I don’t know about you but when things get busy, the first thing to drop off the list is eating healthy. So be proactive and make a batch of these hearty cookies! They are healthy AND satisfying. In fact, they are so filling they’d count as a meal. They are great for breakfast, or for a boost on a hike or as a healthy road trip snack. I was handed one of these cookies many years ago, when I worked corporate, it was very early one morning as I boarded a shuttle bus to the airport. These cookies were a...

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Becky Williams
Starting seeds without plastic

Starting seeds without plastic

It’s the season to get your grow on! Starting seeds is a very rewarding experience starting with a a seemingly benign seed, watching it germinate and transform into a seedling, then growing into a productive plant. We’re just 8 weeks away from our last frost date so now is a good time to think about starting seeds. There are so many different ways to start seeds, you don’t need an elaborate set up or all the fancy seed starting kits. Bend the "rules" a little with these out of the box environmentally friendly ways to start seeds...  Egg CartonsEgg Cartons...

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Becky Williams
3 ways to use honey that you may not have considered before

3 ways to use honey that you may not have considered before

We all get into ruts about how we use an ingredient….honey is no different. Here are 3 ways to incorporate this superfood into your diet that you may not have thought of before.  Honey Butter… it’s incredibly easy and oh so good!  Honey butter will transform anything you spread it on. Try it on anything;  fresh biscuits right out of the oven, a warm piece of toast, cornbread, or steamed carrots or sweet potatoes.  Truthfully, it’s unbelievably good on just about anything. Take butter and beat it until smooth, add some honey and a pinch of salt. I make it...

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Becky Williams
Are Pastured Eggs Worth It?

Are Pastured Eggs Worth It?

Pastured hens provide us with the tastiest eggs ever! It’s a bucolic example of regenerative farming…animals doing what they instinctively love to do while building the soil and providing us with natural nutrient dense food. It sounds great but small scale pastured eggs come with a higher cost. Are they worth it? Scarcity of Pastured EggsI wish truly pastured eggs were readily available. Unfortunately they're not, this speaks to our broken food system. Factory farmed eggs are abundant in every grocery store given the industrial scale; 60,000 hens in one barn but with deplorable living conditions and tasteless eggs. Free...

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