Saving seeds in your own garden might seem like a quaint and unnecessary practice but it’s easy and is a very gratifying process.
Seed saving not only connects us with nature but also empowers us to become more self-reliant and environmentally conscious.
I want to encourage you to give it a try this year….and now is the perfect time to collect them.
Here’s how to get started with Getting Started with Seed Saving...
Not all plants are suitable for seed saving. But you will learn this through your own trial and error of what seeds are easy to save and what seeds you won’t bother with saving next year.
Start with just a few different plants the first time….
You can choose open-pollinated or heirloom varieties, they produce seeds that are true to the parent plant. Seeds from hybrid plants reproduce a variant of the plant which can be fun too.
Harvest seeds when they are fully mature but before they have fallen to the ground. This often means leaving some fruits or vegetables on the plant longer than you would for consumption.
Sometimes seeds are a little hidden, like in a marigold…be curious and don’t be intimidated to pull apart the flower, fruit or vegetable to get to the seeds.
Once you have the seeds in your hand or container…clean them of any remaining pulp, fruit, or debris. Then, spread them out on a tray, parchment paper or screen to air dry. Proper drying is crucial to prevent mold or rot.
Store your dried seeds in a cool, dry place in airtight containers. Don’t forget to label them. Then plant them next spring.
Saving seeds in your own garden is not just a frugal practice; it's a skill that connects you with the cycles of nature, fosters self-sufficiency, and helps preserve biodiversity.
I promise you’ll enjoy the satisfaction of nurturing plants from seeds you saved yourself!
May seed saving become a cherished tradition in your own garden. ♡